The Nowcerts database records all aspects of an agency commission or fee transaction. There is the expected commission/fee and then there are the received commission and fees.
The Production report records Generated commission and fees. In other words, for any given period, any new policy, renewal, or endorsement will generate a "receivable" commission. That commission may be received at a later date. This is when it becomes "reconciled". Obviously, the treatment looks slightly different for Agency Billed vs Direct Billed transactions.

For example, in an Agency Bill scenario, if an endorsement is effective on August 2nd. This is when the agency fee and commissions are booked.  Neither one shows that a payment has been received.

The agency fee will show reconciled when the payment from the insured is processed and recorded.

The agency commission will show reconciled when a payment to the MGA is sent and the commission is netted/retained.

The system will do these things automatically as you record payments received and issued.