How Simply Easier Payments works:

First, we will want to set up the Simply Easier Payments integration in order to use it. To do so, follow these steps:

1. From your agency menu, click on "Profile"

2. Click on the green "Configure API" button located just below your agency menu

3. Scroll down to the "Simply Easier Payments API" field, update the sections with your account information, and then click on the blue "Update" button at the bottom of the page to save the changes you made to your settings.

Both the agent and the insured can pay an invoice through Simply Easier Payments:

            - Agent: After you create an invoice, you will see a new option Take Payment with Simply Easier Payment.

You can also send an invoice by clicking "Actions" --> "Send" and selecting send via "Simply Easier Payments."

            - Insured: If you give your insured access to their invoices, they can make a payment with Simply Easier Payments (only that option will be highlighted).

Also, the insured's view of the invoices has only the View and Make payment options (no edit, void, or delete). Once they log on, they can see their invoices (receipts).

They can click on "View Invoice" and pay it by clicking on "Pay by Simply Easier Payments."